About Us

Our Mission

The World Memon Organisation (WMO) stands as a beacon of unity and service, representing the global Memon Community with its population of over 4 million individuals through its eight chapters across Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and North America. Established as an international umbrella organisation, the WMO serves as a central platform to address the diverse needs and challenges faced by Memons worldwide, while promoting the values of compassion, integrity, empowerment, collaboration, and innovation.

At the heart of the WMO's vision is a world where every individual, irrespective of background, has access to education, housing, healthcare, and economic opportunities. Rooted in Islamic principles, the WMO's mission is to advance the welfare and well-being of Memons in all aspects of life. This includes efforts to resolve economic, educational, social, and cultural issues within the community, while fostering better relations with other religious, social, ethnic, and national groups for the greater good of society.

The WMO's objectives are far-reaching, encompassing the promotion of education, the alleviation of poverty, and the protection of Memon culture, language, and dignity. Through coordinated efforts, the organisation aims to harness the talents and resources of Memons worldwide to create a positive impact on their communities.

The governance of the WMO is vested in its General Assembly, Board of Management, and Executive Committee, which are democratically elected to represent the diverse interests of Memons across the globe. The organisation's Constitution and Standing Orders ensure that members from national, regional, and individual levels are equally represented, fostering a sense of inclusivity and collaboration.

In summary, the WMO is committed to serving the Memon Community with selfless dedication, working tirelessly to fulfill its vision of unity, welfare, and well-being for all Memons worldwide.

Our Finances

Full details of our finances can be found in our Annual Reports.